Thursday, November 20, 2008

Birth Verse

Ryker's Birthverse
Luke 9:23 NIV Then he said to them all: “If any would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me".
I came across this website a few days ago. I have read the verse for each of my children but I have found myself dwelling on Ryker's. It says so much to me about what we must do each day when we have chosen to follow our Lord and Savior. I look down at him as I hold him and wonder what has the Lord placed in Ryker in order to bring glory to His kingdom. As Greyson and Sebastian are now older I can see the traits the Lord has woven into these little boys and I am in awe of Him.

Father thank you for theses amazing gifts you have sent into my life. I do not know what your plan is for these precious little men, but I will start them down the path to you. I see your beauty, strength, and love through theses boys. They are awesome, praise you Father for creating such special creatures that bare your image...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hip Hip Hooooo-raaaaaaay for G Diapers

After months of going back and forth on whether or not to give cloth diapers a try I stumbled across Gdiapers! I have been using them for about 2 weeks and I loved every min of it. They are a cross between cloth and disposables, they are flush able with a cotton cover (Gpants). With my other 2 little guys I really wanted to try cloth but I didn't have the guts. This past pregnancy I did a lot of reading about cloth and I learned how gross disposable diapers really are (they can take up to 500 years to decompose). I struggled to pick up the phone to call the cloth diaper service and get it started. There were too many choices and too much laundry involved for a mother of 3 who would rather spend her time doing other things. (Plus I am trying to save water) So the cute little Gdiaper has given me exactly what I am looking for. I love that my son has not chemicals sitting on his bottom, I love that I am cutting back on our carbon footprint, (I can compost these little suckers in 90 days or less) and I LOVE that the baby's room doesn't smell like diapers too.

Gdiaper is a cute little company, and it was started by a Mum and Dad looking for a better option for their kids. So if you have little ones in diapers, check these guys out! They are totally worth it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

So After a year of being addicted to other folks blogs I have finally cracked under the pressures of our culture and started my own blog. As I am writing this it sort of feels like I am opening my journal for the world to read. With that said I have chosen to not yet share my blog with friends and family, out of fear of what they might think or say. So my blog will hangout in cyberspace a waiting someone to take and interest in me and what I have to say.